Friday, February 13, 2009

So we had our first Childbirth Prep class on Thursday...

We did watch a short video about labor and delivery, but fortunately it was totally PG and not at all graphic. Our class has about 14 couples and was actually really informative. Our instructor, despite her "Indiana Grammar" as Ben called it, was great. What is "Indiana Grammar" you ask, let's just say we heard the phrase "more better" more than once.

But I digress...

In addition to the quick video we had the pleasure of meeting Cletus the Fetus, a plush doll with detachable umbilical cord and placenta. Awesome gift idea for the little ones! We also got to pass around a chart that shows just what 10 centimeters dilated looks like. That cervix is an amazing thing alright!

Speaking of anatomy...Ben made me laugh out loud as we were walking back to the car after class when he said,

"I don't think I've ever been in one place and heard the word vagina so many times."

All I could say was,

"I hope not!"

Cameron is doing great, he's as active as ever. He's weighing in at around 2 lbs, give or take a few ounces. He's started to open and close his eyes at will and with his ear canals finally fully open he can hear sounds more clearly and hear voices (or Maggie noises) distinctly. I have noticed that when Ben talks to him he starts to move around.

Despite having a few extra days off work this week, I haven't been able to enjoy them or accomplish anything I had planned as I've been sick. First a stomach a sinus infection. Fun, fun, fun. :(

Ben and I decided it would be more better to go out to dinner tonight and avoid the madness tomorrow. Cameron and I are really looking forward to enjoying some delicious Italian food!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!