Friday, May 1, 2009

So Much for Six Weeks to Go....

He's Heeeeerrrrre!!!!!!!

He's a month early, pretty darn tiny....but what he may lack in size he more than makes up for in cuteness.

Here's a run-down of what happened. Yes, it's a little long, but believe me, I cut plenty of stuff out to try and keep it "short."

I was at a regularly scheduled doctor's appointment on April 14th when my doctor voiced her concern over my high blood pressure readings, headache and swelling. She wanted me to head up to maternity triage for observation and some blood tests. I called Ben and told him to come to the hospital, but at first he thought I was joking. He soon realized that I was quite serious and he was on his way.

My blood pressure remained high, so my doctor admitted me for 24 hours of observation...better to be safe than sorry. Cameron's fetal heart rate was strong and we were only somewhat concerned. A diagnosis of preeclampsia was confirmed and my doctor told me I'd be in the hospital until delivery. I was only 36 weeks and they wanted to try to get me to 37 before inducing I was on complete bed rest. I felt good the first several days there...or as good as one can feel in the hospital on total bed rest worried about her baby could expect to feel. Cameron was monitored regularly and always looked great, my blood pressure on the other
hand never did.

On Monday, April 20th my doctor decided it was time to induce labor...things weren't improving for me and it was the best choice for my health and for Cameron's. I was started on a couple of different medications including magnesium. I'd heard being on magnesium was pretty harsh with all of its side effects...and found out for myself just how harsh. After almost 24 hours with no progress, it was time for a c-section.

At 6:31 PM on Tuesday, April 21st Cameron Michael Murray made his early, but welcomed debut. A team of doctors from the NICU were on hand for him, and though he got off to a slow start, he was completely healthy at 6 lbs and 1 ounce. He stayed up in the NICU for 4 hours of observation and was then released. I finally got to take a good look at him (or at least a foggy, magnesium and demerol induced look) around 10:30 PM.

Ben and I were still a little shocked that he was actually here...but even more shocked that his hair wasn't blonde!

I expected to be in the hospital 3 or 4 days...pretty typical after a c-section, not to mention the preeclampsia. My blood pressure was expected to remain pretty high for a few weeks or longer...but delivery of the baby is actually the cure for preeclampsia, so I was already much better. The magnesium was out of my I.V. was finally out and I felt free...well, sort of. I was very prepared and very excited when I was told I'd be released on Saturday, but things got a little "interesting" that Friday night...let's say A LOT more "interesting."

Ben had stayed to have dinner with me in my room, but was going back home to take care of Maggie, our dog. I had started to settle into my bed to go to sleep when I suddenly couldn't breathe. Thank goodness Ben came back into the room one more time to say goodnight because he found me rolling around on my bed and gasping for air. I remember the nurse coming in, then another nurse, then an oxygen mask, but much of it was a blur. I kept my eyes closed and just tried to breathe...I just couldn't catch my breath. I did hear things like: CAT scan, chest x-ray and EKG and that wasn't helping me breathe any easier. I knew it was serious (not that the whole not being able to breathe thing wasn't a clue) and I was really scared.

I only half remember all of the tests...I mostly remember the CAT scan because as you're being conveyed through the machine you're told "don't move, don't breathe" a couple of times so a clear scan can be taken and holding my breath for even 5 seconds was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. I was back in my room, still on oxygen, when some doctor came in to see me. He said the good news was that they didn't find a blood clot...but that there was fluid on my lungs and another EKG was ordered to ensure no damage had been done to my heart. I couldn't believe things had turned so quickly. I'd felt a heaviness in my chest a few times over the last couple of days and I had trouble breathing...but I figured it was all part of the preeclampsia and when I reported it to the nurses and doctors, they seemed to agree.

On top of all that drama, I had vein drama. Let me explain...the nurses had been having some trouble getting a good vein for a couple of days for all the blood tests that were being done. I can't even tell you how many times I heard "I blew a vein!" or "I've never not been able to get a vein!" So for someone with a slight fear of needles, it was my worst nightmare...but to be honest, at some point I became sort of numb to it. More than one nurse called me a human pin cushion and once or twice a "specialist" had to be paged to try and get a vein. Once they were about to try a vein in my foot...but fortunately one of those "specialist" got lucky. I counted at least 24 needle sticks in both's a couple of pictures.

Looks like crime scene photos...I know.

Anyway...on Saturday instead of being released from the hospital I had the pleasure of a thorocentisis, a fun procedure where they stick a needle in your back and drain fluid from your lungs. Ben held my hand through it and broke the tension a little when he commented that the fluid looked like Miller Lite. They took about 25 ounces out of my right lung and said there was even more on my left lung and I may need to have the procedure done on the other lung the next day. Great.

The good news was that I felt better almost immediately, I could breathe again. The EKG that soon followed showed no permanent damage to my heart and after trying a couple of different blood pressure medicines and finding the right one as well as some medicine to help me get rid of all the extra fluid in my body...another thorocentisis was not required.

The even better news was that after Cameron had to stay overnight in the NICU on Saturday after dropping almost 10% of his birth weight, he was once again released. He was also having some trouble keeping his oxygen saturation up during a couple of feedings and during a car seat test the hospital does. This is very common in preemies and as he grows stronger and bigger and his neck muscles keep developing he'll be fine. Until then, he has a car "bed" instead of a car seat for 4-6 weeks until he can pass their car seat test.

So, FINALLY, on Monday April 27th Cameron and I got to go home together. It was such a relief to be out of there with my baby boy! I'll be on blood pressure medication until my B.P. goes back to normal, that could be 2 weeks or longer, but my doctor thinks it's only a matter of time.

My parents have spent the week with us helping out, and though I'll still be recovering for awhile, I already feel 100% better (relatively speaking). Cameron is such a good boy! Ben and I feel so lucky and are looking forward to all the wonderful things yet to come.

"Man...all this talk about needle sticks, CAT scans
and high blood pressure
is giving me a headache!"

I'm thinking of writing a book about my experiences...I think I'll title it:

Friday, April 3, 2009

Only About 6 Weeks Left....

I really can't believe how fast the days are going by! I also can't believe a guy coughed up a nail that was lodged in his nose for 30 years, copy and paste this link into your address bar if you haven't heard:



I had my first of two baby showers last weekend up in Michigan. It was fun and Cameron got a lot of nice stuff! When we brought it all home and put it in the nursery, Maggie was convinced it was her stuff...I'm sure they'll learn to share.

Okay, maybe they shouldn't share everything!

My favorite gift from the shower was artwork my mom and dad made for me. The inspiration came from an abstract painting of a dog in the Pottery Barn Kids catalogue with a handwritten saying painted in the background. It was ridiculously over-priced as you can imagine, so she thought she would create one of her own. She painted an abstract Maggie and she and my dad put several of their own handwritten sayings all over the picture. It came out beautifully and will hang in the nursery. Check it out!

Maggie feels very special to be forever immortalized this way and insisted I take a picture of her next to what she calls "the best painting ever, paws down."

She also insisted that I put a diaper on her because "she's a baby, too"...even though she's been housebroken for years, so I humored her.

"Change me, Mommy!!!"

And I thought "older kids" regressed AFTER the baby arrived!

In other news...the 2nd bathroom/Cameron's bathroom is nearly finished. It just needs a few more accessories and it will be perfect. Here are some before, during and after pictures:


This is a picture I took when we first looked at the house. It was pretty plain and boring with its white walls and lovely country blue diamond-patterned floor.


Ben put down a new floor, installed new nickel fixtures and
painted the walls a fun aqua blue color...


I added the cute frog and turtle accessories I
received as shower gifts...

It turned out so cute! Ben is the best!

We'll be spending this weekend still working away at getting the house in order, then we're spending Easter weekend with Ben's family down in Madison.

Blog to you soon!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Finally...A New Posting!

Sorry it's been awhile....there's been a lot going on! I'm a little over 31 weeks along now and simply can't get comfortable. Rolling out of bed has become quite an interesting feat...I feel like Violet from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!"

Ben started working on the nursery last weekend, it looks great! He painted the boring white walls a slightly less boring shade of beige, put up new window treatments and put the crib and the small red side table together.

Here are some pictures....

Maggie still has no idea what she's in for...

The bedding is adorable!

No mattress yet, but you get the idea...

This lamp is so cute!'s a new shot of my belly...brace yourselves!

Maggie followed me into the bathroom when
I was taking the picture...

This weekend we'll be putting together the rest of the nursery furniture and watching a little March Madness...GO PURDUE!!!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

So we had our first Childbirth Prep class on Thursday...

We did watch a short video about labor and delivery, but fortunately it was totally PG and not at all graphic. Our class has about 14 couples and was actually really informative. Our instructor, despite her "Indiana Grammar" as Ben called it, was great. What is "Indiana Grammar" you ask, let's just say we heard the phrase "more better" more than once.

But I digress...

In addition to the quick video we had the pleasure of meeting Cletus the Fetus, a plush doll with detachable umbilical cord and placenta. Awesome gift idea for the little ones! We also got to pass around a chart that shows just what 10 centimeters dilated looks like. That cervix is an amazing thing alright!

Speaking of anatomy...Ben made me laugh out loud as we were walking back to the car after class when he said,

"I don't think I've ever been in one place and heard the word vagina so many times."

All I could say was,

"I hope not!"

Cameron is doing great, he's as active as ever. He's weighing in at around 2 lbs, give or take a few ounces. He's started to open and close his eyes at will and with his ear canals finally fully open he can hear sounds more clearly and hear voices (or Maggie noises) distinctly. I have noticed that when Ben talks to him he starts to move around.

Despite having a few extra days off work this week, I haven't been able to enjoy them or accomplish anything I had planned as I've been sick. First a stomach a sinus infection. Fun, fun, fun. :(

Ben and I decided it would be more better to go out to dinner tonight and avoid the madness tomorrow. Cameron and I are really looking forward to enjoying some delicious Italian food!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I promise it's not a beer's a baby!

Only 15 weeks to go!

So, we had a little snow yesterday and today...

This was before Ben shoveled the walkway, the drift was probably 3 feet high at our front door. In all we got over a foot of snow in less than 24 hours!

Ben was in the car for four, yes, four hours yesterday trying to get home!

I'm so glad Cameron is due in May!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Recognize this man????

No, it's not my Great, Great, Great Uncle Albert...

It's Dr. John Braxton Hicks (or Mr. Mutton Chops as his buddies called him). Yep, I've had my first Braxton Hicks contractions. I didn't realize you could feel them this early...then I read you actually have contractions throughout's only later on that you can feel them. I've only felt a few here and there over the last couple of days. If only real contractions were as simple and pain-free-but I know better.


Cameron is still as active as ever...sometimes I think he's practicing the famous "Crane Kick" from The Karate Kid!


Feeling him move every day is very reassuring though!

Ben and I will be staying IN this weekend since it's ridiculously cold outside!!!!! Poor Maggie can't even handle going outside for a few I put 2 pairs of baby socks on her feet to see if that would help. She walked like a drunken robot...picking up her feet one at a time...but she went outside!

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's hard to believe that in 4 weeks I'll be in the third trimester! I feel like we have so much to do...but I'm loving all of the planning, organizing and decorating. Sometimes it's still a little hard to believe that before we know it, a brand new tiny little person will be living with us. Sometimes at home I just take in the silence knowing that soon there will be much less of it. (except for those naps!)

"That's it, Junior, drink up-mommy and daddy need a nap, too!"

*infant alcoholism is a serious problem, and if you
or a baby you know need help,
please call 1-900-BABY-LUSH


We've signed up for our Childbirth Prep classes! They start February 12th, we'll go one night a week for a month. I'm really looking forward to it...should be interesting and fun. I'm hoping they don't wheel out a TV and show us any graphic childbirth videos. I had to watch one during a field trip for health class when I was 10 and I still have disturbing flashbacks!


Sunday, January 4, 2009


Okay, that's not us.

Frankly I don't think we could afford the hairspray budget!

Welcome to the Murray Family blog! Here you will gain powerful information about current research in the fields of Astrophysics and Molecular Biology. Okay, I'm kidding'll mostly just see some family pictures and hear about our life together. Speaking of which...our son Cameron Michael is due around May 12th!

It's a boy alright! Isn't he cute?

He's weighing in at a little over a pound and is constantly moving!

We'll be visiting Babies-R-Us pretty soon to get some ideas together. We already have quite a few as far as his nursery is concerned. We're thinking various shades of blue and green with some touches of the "Playful Puppies" collection by Sumersault.

So cute!

Speaking of cute puppies.....our first "kid", Maggie, has no idea what she's in for. We know she has a genuine interest in kids, but it will be very fun to see how she reacts to the new little person in her life, in her house, in her parents' arms...on her turf. We know she'll do great, it will just be interesting to watch.

Now that's a cute kid!

Besides looking at adorable baby stuff we'll also be touring Community North Hospital where Cameron will be born. It's a brand new, beautiful hospital with really nice "Maternity Suites."

It's like a Hilton with pain killers and bedpans!

We're not sure which classes we'll be taking in preparation for the big day...I guess we'll keep you posted. :)