Friday, January 9, 2009

It's hard to believe that in 4 weeks I'll be in the third trimester! I feel like we have so much to do...but I'm loving all of the planning, organizing and decorating. Sometimes it's still a little hard to believe that before we know it, a brand new tiny little person will be living with us. Sometimes at home I just take in the silence knowing that soon there will be much less of it. (except for those naps!)

"That's it, Junior, drink up-mommy and daddy need a nap, too!"

*infant alcoholism is a serious problem, and if you
or a baby you know need help,
please call 1-900-BABY-LUSH


We've signed up for our Childbirth Prep classes! They start February 12th, we'll go one night a week for a month. I'm really looking forward to it...should be interesting and fun. I'm hoping they don't wheel out a TV and show us any graphic childbirth videos. I had to watch one during a field trip for health class when I was 10 and I still have disturbing flashbacks!


1 comment:

  1. Ah, the McMillan Center Field Trip. That was one hairy MOTHER. Glad you're doing well. Check out my blog...I made a movie of the first year of Emily's life. Geez did it go fast!

    Love ya!
