Friday, January 16, 2009

Recognize this man????

No, it's not my Great, Great, Great Uncle Albert...

It's Dr. John Braxton Hicks (or Mr. Mutton Chops as his buddies called him). Yep, I've had my first Braxton Hicks contractions. I didn't realize you could feel them this early...then I read you actually have contractions throughout's only later on that you can feel them. I've only felt a few here and there over the last couple of days. If only real contractions were as simple and pain-free-but I know better.


Cameron is still as active as ever...sometimes I think he's practicing the famous "Crane Kick" from The Karate Kid!


Feeling him move every day is very reassuring though!

Ben and I will be staying IN this weekend since it's ridiculously cold outside!!!!! Poor Maggie can't even handle going outside for a few I put 2 pairs of baby socks on her feet to see if that would help. She walked like a drunken robot...picking up her feet one at a time...but she went outside!

1 comment:

  1. Hey lady! I had BH with both girls, but with Emily they started right around 20 weeks and stuck around until real labor. About 2-3 weeks before I delivered they got pretty strong.

    Hope you guys had a good weekend in. I froze my a** off wandering around Purdue.
