Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I promise it's not a beer's a baby!

Only 15 weeks to go!

So, we had a little snow yesterday and today...

This was before Ben shoveled the walkway, the drift was probably 3 feet high at our front door. In all we got over a foot of snow in less than 24 hours!

Ben was in the car for four, yes, four hours yesterday trying to get home!

I'm so glad Cameron is due in May!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Recognize this man????

No, it's not my Great, Great, Great Uncle Albert...

It's Dr. John Braxton Hicks (or Mr. Mutton Chops as his buddies called him). Yep, I've had my first Braxton Hicks contractions. I didn't realize you could feel them this early...then I read you actually have contractions throughout's only later on that you can feel them. I've only felt a few here and there over the last couple of days. If only real contractions were as simple and pain-free-but I know better.


Cameron is still as active as ever...sometimes I think he's practicing the famous "Crane Kick" from The Karate Kid!


Feeling him move every day is very reassuring though!

Ben and I will be staying IN this weekend since it's ridiculously cold outside!!!!! Poor Maggie can't even handle going outside for a few I put 2 pairs of baby socks on her feet to see if that would help. She walked like a drunken robot...picking up her feet one at a time...but she went outside!

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's hard to believe that in 4 weeks I'll be in the third trimester! I feel like we have so much to do...but I'm loving all of the planning, organizing and decorating. Sometimes it's still a little hard to believe that before we know it, a brand new tiny little person will be living with us. Sometimes at home I just take in the silence knowing that soon there will be much less of it. (except for those naps!)

"That's it, Junior, drink up-mommy and daddy need a nap, too!"

*infant alcoholism is a serious problem, and if you
or a baby you know need help,
please call 1-900-BABY-LUSH


We've signed up for our Childbirth Prep classes! They start February 12th, we'll go one night a week for a month. I'm really looking forward to it...should be interesting and fun. I'm hoping they don't wheel out a TV and show us any graphic childbirth videos. I had to watch one during a field trip for health class when I was 10 and I still have disturbing flashbacks!


Sunday, January 4, 2009


Okay, that's not us.

Frankly I don't think we could afford the hairspray budget!

Welcome to the Murray Family blog! Here you will gain powerful information about current research in the fields of Astrophysics and Molecular Biology. Okay, I'm kidding'll mostly just see some family pictures and hear about our life together. Speaking of which...our son Cameron Michael is due around May 12th!

It's a boy alright! Isn't he cute?

He's weighing in at a little over a pound and is constantly moving!

We'll be visiting Babies-R-Us pretty soon to get some ideas together. We already have quite a few as far as his nursery is concerned. We're thinking various shades of blue and green with some touches of the "Playful Puppies" collection by Sumersault.

So cute!

Speaking of cute puppies.....our first "kid", Maggie, has no idea what she's in for. We know she has a genuine interest in kids, but it will be very fun to see how she reacts to the new little person in her life, in her house, in her parents' arms...on her turf. We know she'll do great, it will just be interesting to watch.

Now that's a cute kid!

Besides looking at adorable baby stuff we'll also be touring Community North Hospital where Cameron will be born. It's a brand new, beautiful hospital with really nice "Maternity Suites."

It's like a Hilton with pain killers and bedpans!

We're not sure which classes we'll be taking in preparation for the big day...I guess we'll keep you posted. :)